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Sunday, March 30, 2014

2014 LPCA Convention Day 2

9:20 Ballot access hero Richard Winger spoke on Top Two to a highly-interested audience.  He cited the majority Democrat 31st congressional district in which 2 Republicans beat 4 Democrats, disenfranchising the majority party in the November ballot. He cited LPCA RegLib increase from 109K in Nov 2012 to 112.5K in Mar 2014, and pointed out that RegLib numbers are up in 21 out of 25 states that register Libertarians.  California’s increase of 3.5% is 20th out of those 21, just ahead of Oregon’s 3.4% increase to 16K.  The next two states with the most RegLibs were: #8 Pennsylvania up 25% to 45K, and #10 Arizona up 20% to 27K. Winger endorsed Californians For Electoral Reform, which helped him when a state court ordered him a some co-plaintiffs to pay opponents’ attorney fees.
10:20 Dave Curtis, Green candidate for Secretary of State, spoke for a few minutes about his campaign, saying he hoped to represent all alternative parties in the race.
10:30 Treasurer Brian Darby announced that Art Tuma had generously donated $1000 to the LPCA.
10:30 There was informal discussion about how to count how many delegates had (per convention rule 3.3) registered for today’s session.
10:35 2012 LP Presidential candidate Gary Johnson spoke via webcast. Enthusiastic about new California marijuana freedom.  He said Libertarians don’t win elections, but our issues are winning: marijuana, gay marriage, non-intervention. Our America Initiative is suing the presidential debates commission to force inclusion for any candidate registered in enough states to win the electoral college.  90% of the four years spent running for President was “wasted time”, so he’s not repeating those parts of his efforts.  Media is hungry for the libertarian perspective, but need to be corrected that libertarians are not a kind of conservative. “Libertarians are flaming liberals when it comes to civil liberties.”  Starchild questioned the hundreds of thousands paid to Ron Nielson by the Johnson Campaign. Johnson said Nielson’s firm lost hundreds of thousands on the campaign. His Fair Tax plan would cut federal spending by 25%.  If he were dictator, he could cut the 60% of federal spending required by replacing the income tax with nothing.
11:00 Convened with 46 delegates registered. Convention rule 3.3 was suspended and presence on the floor was considered signification of registration for the day.  (Matt Barnes objected that a non-debatable rule suspension was being combined with a debatable rule change, but he seems to have mistakenly thought that the rule change was permanent.)
11:12 Ted Brown nominated attorney (and Attorney General candidate) Jonathan Jaech for Southern Vice Chair. Elected by voice vote with one dissent.
11:24 ExCom voting.  Top 5 win 2-year ExCom terms, 6th finishes a 1-year vacancy, and 7th and 8th become alternates.
2:30 ExCom results announced:
  • 39 Antoine Hage – founder of new California college libertarians group
  • 38 Leon Weinstein – fundraiser; active in the Russian community
  • 37 Kevin Duewel – Ron Paul activist, San Mateo County vice-chair
  • 36 Jim Hoerricks – appointed incumbent; elected water board member
  • 32 Jose Tovar – from Fresno; bilingual
  • 31 Dana McLorn – championed college libertarians; not happy with current LPCA energy
  • 25 Flavio Fiumerodo – worked on web site and Sacramento office; wants to make electronic newsletter more frequent
  • 24 Stephen Blakeman – Yolo County chair
  • 19 Jose Castaneda – long-time LPLAC and LPCA activist
  • 16 David McDonald – will keep county chairs informed; we are the party of capitalism
2:40 Video tribute to Stephen Collette (1954-2013)
2:45 Judicial Committee nominees: Ted Brown, Aaron Starr, Jill Pyeatt.  Accepted by acclamation. They will have to appoint two other members.
2:50 LNC representative: Dan Wiener re-elected 32-25 over Dave Jones.  (Many voters may have thought they vote for both while ranking them, however rankings did not matter.)
3:30 LNC alternate representative.  Mark Hinkle nominated LPCA Secretary Janine Kloss. Gale Morgan nominated incumbent Scott Lieberman.
4:15 Results: Lieberman defeated Kloss 25-20 on 40 ballots cast.
4:20 42 party members were chosen to be delegates to the LPUS convention in Ohio, out of the 120 delegate slots allocated to the LPCA.
4:30 Hinkle proposed a resolution to limit future conventions to San Diego, LA, Orange counties, and the SF Bay Area. Failed for lack of 5 seconders.
4:35 Jose Castaneda proposed a resolution declaring that “running Libertarians as Libertarians is an essential function of the LPCA.”  LPCA has 1 statewide candidate, while Greens have 5, and Peace And Freedom has 3.   Resolution fails
4:48 Endorsed
  • Jonathan Jaech for Attorney General
  • Jose Castaneda for Board of Equalization
  • Michael Stogner for San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
  • Jedediah Biagi for Nevada County Board of Supervisors
4:57 Kelly Mordecai moved to suspend the rules for a straw poll.
5:00 Adjourned

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