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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Phillies Joins Smith's Call For LNC Purge

Stephen Gordon at Third Party Watch points to a call by George Phillies that the entire LNC should resign for having invited Ron Paul to seek the LP nomination. This is a repeat of Phillies' call (that I reported Dec 22) that the LP needs "at least one" LNC member who "would opposes the use of theft and fraud in our internal party spending". Phillies echoes fellow presidential hopeful Christine Smith, who I've reported has called for the entire LNC to be replaced. Steve Kubby's communications director Tom Knapp wrote on Dec 11 that
The only circumstances under which I will even consider voting for the re-election of any member of the LNC who betrayed the party this weekend are if that member publicly apologizes to the party for his or her betrayal AND plausibly claims, with detail as to the circumstances, that he or she was subjected to extortion to secure the "yes" vote.
Kubby himself, however, only questions the timing of the LNC move, saying it should have been done in February.

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