The Libertarian Party of California convened today in Visalia.
09:15 Came to order with 44 delegates. Kevin Duewel elected Secretary Pro Tem.
09:45 Chair’s report by Kevin Takenaga. Registered Libertarians count
is up, surpassing Greens for the first time since c. 1990. Highlighted
elected officials and a new College Libertarians group, which held its
first convention here yesterday.
10:00 N. Vice Chair’s report by Gale Morgan. Yolo and
MadisonPlacer county affiliates activated. San Mateo county endorsed Doug
Radtke for City Council, and has been energized by new Secretary Kevin
Duewel. We had 98000 Reglibs in Aug 2013. Set a goal for increase, it’s
already been surpassed.
10:11 Treasurer’s report by Brian Darby. $12K operating loss was due
to a large donor re-targeting donations to the county level. Switching
from DonorPerfect to Neon will cut labor costs from $20K in 2013 to
$4500 in 2014. 793 members currently. Cutting convention budget (i.e.
floor fees, and thus cutting convention profit from $7000 to $700) did
not appreciably increase attendance.
10:20 LNC Representative’s report by Dan Wiener. LNC is purchasing an
$825K office ($300K down-payment) to replace Watergate rental office.
Will save about $5K/month in cash flow. National convention is in June
in Columbus Ohio. LP candidate for VA governor (Sarvis) got 6%. LNC
social media outreach is active. Hired Wes Benedict as Executive
Director, moved Carla Howell to Political Director.
10:40 College Libertarians founder Antoine Hage spoke. Created 3 campus clubs in 3 months. Focus on local elections.
10:47 Gale Morgan, Treasurer of Candidate Support Committee. Spent
$25K fighting Top Two. Donated to several campaigns. Balance is $15K.
10:50 Officer Q&A. Jose Castenada asked about the lack of
state-level candidates. Takenaga answered: Top Two. 10,000 signatures
needed to waive filing fee, and doesn’t guarantee spot on November
ballot. Gale Morgan: RegLib count is high enough that we no longer need
2% in the gubernatorial election.
11:00 Brian Darby: 2012 convention earned $7K profit. 2013 had lower
floor fees, earned $700 profit, but no increased attendance. Starchild
asked for more spending details.
11:05 Mark Hinkle: we had 3992 members in 1992, but 793 now.
Takenaga: RegLibs matter more than paying memberships. LPUS and LPCA
used to have joint membership. Hinkle: “you guys are failing”.
11:10 Aaron Starr: Membership revenues discrepency. Brian Darby:
page-1 figures are net, combining income and expense. Roughly $6K
revenue shared to counties, not shown in data.
11:14 Takenaga explains Coffee Club donor program, says it hasn’t been pushed and has probably gone down.
11:15 Brian Darby: would need a Bylaws change to allow teleconference meetings.
11:18 Q&A extended 10 minutes. Matt Barnes asked what members can
do to help. Antoine Hage asked for help for College Libertarians. Darby
and Morgan emphasized local politics. Wiener: recruit from new RegLibs.
11:26 Castenada asked about Candidate Support Committee. Morgan:
guidelines are: candidate has to be on ballot, endorsed by county, and
have a web site.
11:28 Morgan: county chairs association has been meeting by Google hangout.
11:30 Morgan began the Platform report with Proposal 1 to rewrite
IV-5 Immigration & Citizenship. Aaron Starr moved to strike 3rd
paragraph about “sovereignty of California”. Amendment failed narrowly.
Proposal failed 25 for, 14 against.
12:00 Lunch.
2:15 promoted free campaign websites for candidates.
2:20 Libertarian city council members: John Inks of Mountain View, Susan Marie Weber of Palm Desert, Jeffrey Hewitt of Calimesa.
Weber: Everything you do is a chance to promote libertarianism. I’m a tax accountant who tells people that taxation is theft.
Hewitt: I’ve had more libertarian impact as appointed planning
commissioner than as elected city councilman, so volunteer for local
boards. Libertarians are the mainstream. I’d like to sell legalized
drugs and prostitution, but we need to prioritize the freedom to
prosper. Told a Tea Party crowd he favored marijuana legalization, and
realized he was a libertarian. Got LP donations in his city council
race. Planning to bring other candidates into the LP. Once we get one
Libertarian in the legislature, then the landslide will begin.
Inks: 5 of 7 current city councilmen in Mountain View did not win
first council race. Built resume as commissioner. Staff and colleagues
respect my principles. Declined to join Mayors Against Guns, so
opponents organized a march against him. Termed out, trying to recruit a
3:15 Panel of Libertarian water board members Jonathan Hall
(Tehachapi Cummings), Jim Hoerricks (West Valley), and Brian Holtz
(Purissima Hills). Discussed water supply issues, pricing, and tragedy
of the commons from well over-use.
4:00 Platform Proposal 2 to replace IV-1 IV-7 IV-9 and V-8 with a new
consolidated IV-1 “Criminal & Civil Laws” plank. Starr moves to not
delete IV-9 “Sovereign Immunity”. Votes against his own motion after
receiving a clarification, but his motion passes anyway. Amended
proposal failed 19 for, 14 against.
4:24 Proposal 3 to replace 11,13 and 14 of IV with a consolidated
sub-plank after IV-16 titled “Family, Marriage, and Reproductive
Rights”. Starr moved to divide the question, to delete the 3 planks
first (by majority vote) before adding the consolidated new plank (by
2/3 vote). Starr’s motion failed, after criticism that it was an attempt
to hold the platform hostage. The proposal failed 21 for, 13 against.
4:40 Proposal 4 to delete opposition to laws setting drinking ages
and curfews. Starr moves to adjourn because there is not a 2/3 sentiment
for approving any platform changes. Motion carries, adjourned at 4:50.
The first 3 platform proposals were major consolidations of multiple
planks, but the PlatCom handouts did not include the language being
replaced. The full copies of the Platform in the delegate handout did
not include plank numbers or section headers, so it was hard for
delegates to understand what each proposal was deleting. This may have
contributed to the failure of all the proposed platform changes.
Tomorrow: officer elections and Bylaws debate.